Flood Services Canada, the Greater Toronto Area’s leading 24-hour emergency flood, fire, and smoke damage restoration response service team, is announcing the hiring of a new repair team dedicated to helping homes and businesses restore materials that were damaged and had to be removed as a result of a sewage backup.
“We want to do more than just offer emergency flood services or sewage cleanup,” says Chad Vanvari, owner of Flood Services Canada. “We’re making a concerted effort this year to really focus on taking our services one step further and actually repairing homes or businesses that have been damaged.”
Mr.Vanvariexplains that the new repair and renovation teamatFlood Services Canada has the manpower and resources available to offer repair services for homes and businesses that have had to remove floors, carpeting, or even drywall. This goes beyond just cleaning and restoring a home or business after a flooding or sewage backup.
”While flood damage is an issue the company deals with on a regular basis, cleaning after a sewage backup requires more attention because of related health issues,” Mr.Vanvariadds. “Staying in an environment where there is a sewage backup can actually cause serious health problems. Viruses, bacteria, and parasites are organisms that all thrive in sewage and are all potentially dangerous to anyone directly exposed to these microbes, making timely and thorough cleanup essential.”
“WeatFlood Services Canada are proud to now include sewage cleanup among our services,” Mr.Vanvariconcludes. “Adding this new repair extension to the company will only improve the quality of service we can provide all of our clients and allow them a chance to restore their homes or units to equal or better condition than before they were damaged by sewage or flooding.”
More information can be found about Flood Services Canada and our flood and sewage backup damage cleanup and repair services on our official website.