Flood Services Canada (www.FloodServices.ca), the Greater Toronto Area’s leading 24-hour emergency flood, fire and smoke damage restoration response service team, is releasing its comments on the recent meteorologist report that the GTA will experience a colder than normal winter.
Predictions have been made by The Weather Network—supported by the Farmers’ Almanac—that the GTA will experience colder than typical weather during the winter months this year. (Source: Hall, D., “GTA should brace for cold winter, meteorologists warn,” Toronto Star, November 28, 2014 http://goo.gl/bRo5eN.)
“It’s something that residents in the GTA need to prepare for,” says Chad Vanvari, owner of FloodServicesCanada. “Most know that winterizing the home is crucial, but small things like dressing properly, driving more carefully, and using winter tires, giving oneself extra time to get to work, and checking the condition of the furnace and all appliances can be just as important. These are all things that need to be taken into consideration when preparing for winter.”
Meteorologistsare expectingDecember to be up and down in terms of temperature, fluctuating between -1 and -8 degrees Celsius. Once January and February hit, temperatures will drop considerably.
“They don’t expect the weather to be as wild as last year with the ice storms and the unusual amount of precipitation,” Mr.Vanvaricontinues. “But it will definitely be a cold winter, especially once we get into the heart of the traditional cold season.”
Mr.Vanvarigoes on to say that despite the cold, homeowners need to find ways to stay on top of keeping their homes safe. “Ensuring driveways are properly plowed and that snow is pushed away from the foundation of the home will prevent seepage and water damage. Taking measures to ensure all appliances are functioning correctly and that pipes do not freeze in the colder temperatures will also better prevent flooding due to burst pipes,” he says.
In circumstances when these and other emergency incidents do occur, Flood Services Canada specializes in water damage restoration andmouldremoval to help quickly get a home back up to standards.
Visit Flood Services Canada’sweb siteto find out everything the company offers homeowners in times when weather causes damage to their homes.